Publication - Works
Shimbo, S., & Lo, S. (Eds.). (2023). Hanadayori 2023, Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival, 2023, ISBN 979-8-88-069527-0.
Publication - Monograph
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2024a. The Way of Ikebana (Translation), a chapter from “Hana ni ikiru hitotachi e” (1967) by Suido Yamane. International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 11, 31-34.
2009 Positive Thinking: The Secret to Success in the Language Classroom. Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Publication - Book Chapter
2022 第二次大戦前後の生け花場における自由花運動の相対的位相 (Relative positions of Freestyle Ikebana Movement in the field of ikebana before and after the WWⅡ), Traditional Culture, Kyoto University of Arts Publishing.
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2022 第二次大戦前後の生け花場における自由花運動の相対的位相 (Relative positions of Freestyle Ikebana Movement in the field of ikebana before and after the WWⅡ), Traditional Culture, Kyoto University of Arts Publishing.
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2021 (In print) Environmental art: Ikebana meets contemporary art, Craft - Tradition and Invention: Educating in the crafts - The global experience. Book two. Springer Nature.
Publication - Referred Journal Papers
2021 (In print) Environmental art: Ikebana meets contemporary art, Craft - Tradition and Invention: Educating in the crafts - The global experience. Book two. Springer Nature.
Publication - Referred Journal Papers
2023 『専応口伝』における「面かげ」の形而上学、International Journal of Ikebana Studies,10, 21-28. DOI:
2022 A proposal for online ikebana training: Developing and evaluating a new curriculum to teach ikebana as meditation, International Journal of Ikebana Studies, v.9, 19-36.
2021 An interpretation of Ikenobo Senno Kuden (16c) and its hidden link to the rise of freestyle ikebana in modern Japan, International Journal of Ikebana Studies, v.8, 86-95.
2020 Environmental art as public art, UNESCO Observatory, Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts, 6, 1.9.
2018 Nature in Ikebana: Beyond sustainability (Ikebana niokeru shizen: Sonzokukanoosei o koete). International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 6, pp. 55- 60.
2017 Ikebana in Environmental Art (Ikebana niokeru ikebana no kanoosei), International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 5, pp. 109-113.
2016 Environmental Art and Ikebana, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 4, pp. 27-38.
2015 Flowers in Contemporary Art, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 3, pp.11-19.
2015 Ikebana to Contemporary Art: Rosalie Gascoigne, The IAFOR Academic Review, Vol.1, Issue 2, pp.16-20.
2014 Ikebana in English: Bibliographical Essay, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 2, pp.99-107.
2013 Hiroshi Teshigahara in the Expanded Field of Ikebana, The International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 1, p.31-52.
2008 Effects of Music, Relaxation and Suggestion on Tertiary Students’ Affect and Achievement in Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Monash University epress: Victoria, Australia. 16.1-16.22. DOI:10.2104/aral0816
2007 The Effect of Suggestion on Tertiary Students’ Attribution and Self-Concept. Education Research and Perspective, 34 (1), 179-197.
Publication - Non-referred Journal Articles (Selected)
2017 Ikebana in Environmental Art (Ikebana niokeru ikebana no kanoosei), International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 5, pp. 109-113.
2016 Environmental Art and Ikebana, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 4, pp. 27-38.
2015 Flowers in Contemporary Art, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 3, pp.11-19.
2015 Ikebana to Contemporary Art: Rosalie Gascoigne, The IAFOR Academic Review, Vol.1, Issue 2, pp.16-20.
2014 Ikebana in English: Bibliographical Essay, International Journal of Ikebana Studies (IJIS), 2, pp.99-107.
2013 Hiroshi Teshigahara in the Expanded Field of Ikebana, The International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 1, p.31-52.
2008 Effects of Music, Relaxation and Suggestion on Tertiary Students’ Affect and Achievement in Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Monash University epress: Victoria, Australia. 16.1-16.22. DOI:10.2104/aral0816
2007 The Effect of Suggestion on Tertiary Students’ Attribution and Self-Concept. Education Research and Perspective, 34 (1), 179-197.
Publication - Non-referred Journal Articles (Selected)
2021 Ikebana: A Flower Arrangement in Search of Poetry, Garland Magazine, #24.
2018 Monthly Ikebana column, “Hana o Tomeru” Dengon Net, May.(Since 2009 February)
2015 No Discrimination: The First of Ikebana’s ten Virtues Ten Virtues. Living Now, Issue 184, p. 17.
2015 Ten Virtues of Ikebana: Ten Reasons to Love Flowers. Living Now, Issue 182, pp. 10-11.
2009 Spiritual Development through Ikebana, Living Now Annual, pp.8-11.
2009 The Spiritual Power of Flowers: Ikebana and Shinto, Dare to Dream, Issue 5, pp.26-29.
2007 The Ten Virtues of Ikebana: Ikebana and Zen, Living Now, September to December.
2007 Ikebana and Haiku. Living Now, August, p.11.
Conference Papers
2022 Seeing the Invisible: Applying Discourse Analysis to the Introduction of Senno Kuden. The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2022: Official Conference Proceedings.
2020 Nature in Ikebana: The freestyle ikebana movement in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and its effect on Avant-garde Ikebana after the war. The 11th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, The International Academic Forum (virtual presentation).
2018 Creativity & Education: Environmental Art as a Vehicle of Message. Central de Studii European, Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, 17 April, Iasi, Romania.
2018 Environmental Art as Public Art. Creating Utopia Conference 2018 Sponsored by Deakin University, Lorne Sculpture Biennale, 22-25th March 22 - 25, Qdos Arts Lorne.
2018 Japanese Aesthetics and Environmental Art. The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, The International Academic Forum. March 30 - April 1, Kobe Japan.
2017 Transition of Environmental Art: In Search of the Strategies for Sustainability. The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, The International Academic Forum. March 30 - April 2, Kobe, Japan.
2015 Power in the Discourse of Art: Ephemeral Arts as Counter-monuments and Beyond, The Sixth Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities. The International Academic Forum. April 2-4, Osaka, Japan.
2013 Ikebana to Contemporary Art: Cross Cultural Transformation in Rosalie Gascoigne, The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies. The International Academic Forum. May 24-26, Osaka, Japan.
2012 Re-positioning Ikebana in Contemporary Art. The Third Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, The International Academic Forum. April 5-8, Osaka, Japan.