Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Join Ikebana Courses in 2024
Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Hanadayori 2023 (Part 2) - Ikebana by Request - Online Exhibtion 花信:今、世...
We are delighted to announce the launch of Hanadayori 2023 Part 2. You can explore the captivating creations at [].
We extend our sincere gratitude for your valuable contribution, to showcasing ikebana's profound beauty and power to a wider audience. Your patience during the postponements is truly appreciated.
As we unveil Hanadayori 2023 Part 1 & 2, we are deeply moved by ikebana artists' genuine and respectful expressions towards viewers and those who made special requests. Our aspiration for Hanadayori was to foster a meaningful, even spiritual connection between artists and viewers, and we are thrilled to see this vision come to life in Hanadayori 2023. The project underscores that ikebana's essence lies in developing the skill to quietly speak to the soul of others through meditation on nature.
Looking ahead, we are actively working on the launch of the Hanadayori 2023 photobook. A sneak peek of the front cover is attached. We anticipate commencing the photobook sale by the end of 2023. While we aim to include all the remarkable works received, the final selection may be influenced by the quality of the photos.
Proceeds from the photobook sales will be allocated towards production costs, and any surplus (though unlikely) will contribute to the ongoing expenses of the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival.
Once again, we sincerely thank you for your cooperation in making this project an integral part of the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival. We look forward to your participation in Hanadayori 2025 and our exhibition at the festival in September 2024.
Special appreciation goes to our dedicated volunteer team and the generous support from our major sponsor, Metascent. They have crafted the Hanadayori collection, a new set of perfumes, appreciating the spirit and significance of our Hanadayori project.
Thank you for being a crucial part of the Hanadayori journey.
Warm regards,
Curators, Hanadayori 2023
おかげさまで以下のようにHanadayori 2023 Part 2を公開することができましたのでお知らせいたします。
Hanadayori 2023 Part 1&2を拝見し、いけばなアーティストの皆さまが鑑賞者、特にリクエストをされた方々に対し、真摯で敬意に満ちた態度で対応されていることに感銘を受けました。Hanadayoriプロジェクトがアーティストと鑑賞者との間により深い、ひいては精神的なつながりをも生み出せることを願っていましたが、この願いが叶えられたことを嬉しく思います。Hanadayori 2023は、いけばなのひとつの目標が、自然を瞑想することを通じ、他者の魂に静かに語りかけるスキルを育てることであることを明確に示しています。
現在、Hanadayori 2023の写真集の発売に向けて取り組んでいます。添付のように井口氏の作品を用いた表紙を予定しています。写真集の売上げから得た収益は、写真集の制作コストに充てられます。もし売上げが制作コストを上回る場合(それは考えにくいですが)、余剰分は和·メルボルン生け花フェスティバルの運営費用に充てさせていただきますのでご了承願います。
和·メルボルン生け花フェスティバルの重要な一環であるこのプロジェクトへのご協力に再度感謝申し上げます。Hanadayori 2025へのご参加、さらに、2024年9月のフェスティバルでの華展へのご参加もぜひご検討ください。
Curators, Hanadayori 2023
Saturday, 4 November 2023
Two Sculpture Exhibitions till 3 Dec 2023
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
How to Teach Ikebana (and Its Essence)
Application opens in November 2023. Book from our Schedule page.
Visit our Curriculum page to find out why our one-year Ikebana Dojo program would help all ikebana students and teachers.
We believe that there is a gap between basic styles and freestyles in many ikebana courses. After learning basic styles, students are encouraged to make freestyles such as "vertical arrangement" or "horizontal arrangement". However, where is the connection between the basic and freestyles? The approach used in such courses can be called a style-based approach to freestyle ikebana. Such courses make many students confused, and will never teach the most important aspect of ikebana: Meditation.
Unfortunately, many ikebana practitioners, in particular outside Japan, are learning freestyle ikebana using the style-based approach, copying good "designs"(or something visible), and producing ikebana-like works that lack vital energy. The style-based approach is useful in learning basic styles because you can usually follow diagrams to make a good ikebana.
To make a good freestyle ikebana, however, you need to develop a different competence to see and actualise invisible principles through meditation. Those ikebana principles are not easily visible but recognizable if gazed at by a selfless mind. We call such an approach the principle-based approach, which we use in Ikebana Dojo. We are trying to teach ikebana as art not as design.
Our courses intend to teach the true essence of ikebana.
申し込みは 2023 年 11 月に開始されます。スケジュール ページからご予約ください。
私たちの 1 年間のいけばな道場プログラムがすべてのいけばな生徒と教師に役立つ理由を知るには、カリキュラム ページをご覧ください。
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Hanadayori Night in Ho Chi Minh City
Message from Shoso Shimbo, PhD
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
ABC's Gardening Australia
Thursday, 30 March 2023
Perfumes for Ikebana Festival
Hanadayori is a Japanese word that means that the flowers you have been waiting for have bloomed. Hanadayori: Ikebana by Request 2023 will be launched on our website in June as part of the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival. It is a photographic collection of personal arrangements made by Ikebana masters and practitioners around the world in response to specific requests.
To celebrate the launch of Hanadayori 2023, Metascent has created a new suite of perfumes, the Hanadayori Collection. The collection includes three types of perfume, which have been newly developed using the Japanese plant essences of sakura, yuzu and hinoki. The Hanadayori Collection is a celebration of nature by Metascent.
You can pre order the Hanadayori Collection from now to June 2023. Your purchase will support the Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival, which will be held on 7 & 8 September 2024.
Friday, 17 March 2023
NGVWA I Art of Bloom 2023
Saturday, 11 March 2023
Ikebana Introductory Workshop

Tuesday, 7 March 2023
New Publication - What is Ikebana ? (2)
What is Ikebana? (2): Selected passages from “Hana ni ikiru hitotati e (Messages for those who live for flower)” by Yamane Suido (1967).
2023 International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 10, 29-30.
Monday, 6 March 2023
New Publication - About Ikenobo Senno Kuden
Seeing the Invisible: Applying Discourse Analysis to the Introduction of Senno Kuden
Senno Kuden (16th century) historically presents the most influential definition of ikebana, which includes both ontological and epistemological concerns in representation. Although the former contributed to the development of the common definition of ikebana as a symbolic representation of nature or the universe, the latter has been largely ignored. This study points out that the latter has not only significant meanings in understanding Senno’s teaching on ikebana, but also a strong connection with the traditional Japanese aesthetics that values contemplative awareness of the transiency of beings.
Author InformationShoso Shimbo, International Society of Ikebana Research, Australia
Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2022
Stream: Aesthetics and Design
This paper is part of the KAMC2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
Full Paper
1. View / Download the full paper in a new tab/window
2. Academia
To cite this article:Shimbo S. (2022) Seeing the Invisible: Applying Discourse Analysis to the Introduction of Senno Kuden ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2022: Official Conference Proceedings
To link to this article:
Monday, 27 February 2023
Ikebana Calendar - March 2023
11 March 2023: Ikebana Introduction Workshop ($60)
12 March 2023: Ikebana Workshop at Glen Eira City Gallery
18 March 2023: 1000 Ikebana Challenge (2022 Groups)
25 March 2023: 1000 Ikebana Challenge (2023 Groups)
25 March 2023: International Society of Ikebana Research (ISIR) 40th Regular Conference - Free online event
29 March - 2 April 2023: Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. Shoso and some of his students will exhibit at the shop window displays section.
29 April 2023: Ikebana Introduction Workshop ($60)
3 May 2023: Art of Bloom Cocktail Party, National Gallery of Victoria
4 & 5 May 2023: Art of Bloom, National Gallery of Victoria. Shoso has been selected as an exhibitor.
6 May 2023: Term 2 starts for our Certificate Courses
12 May 2013: Ikebana in School (Saint Maria College)
13 May 2023: Zoom Ikebana Dojo, Ikebana Aesthetics Program Level 2 starts
13 May 2023: Ikebana Introduction Workshop ($60)
27 May 2023: Ikebana Introduction Workshop ($60)
31 May 2023: Deadline for submitting works for selected Hanadayori artists
June 2023: Launch of Hanadayori 2023
17 June 2023: Ikebana Introduction Workshop ($60)
24 - 30 June 2023: Application opens for Ikebana Gallery Award 2023
July 2023: 1000 Ikebana Challenge starts for a new group
7 & 8 September 2024: Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival