
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Events Calendar

27 - 31 March 2019: Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. Shoso Shimbo won the silver award in the shop window competition. Thank you my team members, Shoto, Shokai, Shoen, Sophi, Jo, Jenny, Shoan 逍蘊 & Akemi Suzuki for great help.

April 2019: Ikebana Gallery Award 2019, Semifinalists for the March 2019 quarter will be announced.

8 May 2019: Japanese Aesthetics - From Ikebana to Contemporary Art.
RMIT Short Courses. A new term starts.

July 2019: Ikebana Gallery Award 2019, Semifinalists will be announced.

31 August 2019: Wa Ikebana Performance with the Grigoryan Brothers
Melbourne Recital Centre

31 August & 1 September 2019: Wa - Melbourne Ikebana Festival, Abbotsford Convent. Ikebana exhibition, award, workshops, performances, demos & ikebana market etc.
Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival