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Ikebana Newsletter Melbourne 

April 2025


1. Events Calendar


26 - 30 March 2025: Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. Shoan Lo (Director of Melbourne Ikebana Festival, Facilitator of Ikebana Dojo, & Secretary of International Society of Ikebana Studies) has been awarded 1st Place in the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show’s Natio Botanical Moment Competition 2025! Congratulations! 

29 March - 5 April 2025: The Art of Hiroe Swen, Malvern Artists’ Society. 

26 April 2025: Ikebana Introduction Workshop.

26 April 2025:  Monthly Ikebana Challenge.

10 May 2025: Ikebana Aesthetics Program, Level 2 stars (Online).

17 May 2025: Ikebana Introduction Workshop.


17 May 2025:  Monthly Ikebana Challenge.

18 May 2025: Ikebana Workshop for the Box Hill City Council.

24 June 2025: Application opens for Ikebana Gallery Award. This award has been recognised and mentioned in The History of Ikebana (2025), 「いけ花の歴史」小林善帆、吉川弘文館ー現代までを視野に学際的に描く初の通史。 


2. Class Dates Term 2, 2025 - Certificate Courses 


Our term 2 is a short term: $100 for 4 sessions. 

How to Enrol

Wednesday Class (1:00 - 2:30 pm)

23, 30, April

7, 14, May

Wednesday Class (7:00 - 8:30 pm)

23, 30, April

7, 14, May

Saturday Class (10:00 - 11:30 am)

26 April

3, 10, 17 May

Our term 3 starts from October. It is a full term with 8 sessions. If you would like to continue your study from June to September, contact Shoan Lo.  


3. Shoso at Melbourne Flower Show


Shoso Shimbo, Shoan Lo, Shoka Healey & Shokiku Thode (Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival Committee Members)  exhibited their work at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 2025.   


4. Ikebana Introductory Class


One-hour all-inclusive ikebana workshop for beginners. Join with your friends or family. $60 p.p. 

Venue: Murrumbeena or North Balwyn. 


5. Online Ikebana Lessons - Enrol Now


  1. Monthly Ikebana Challenge: Join our facilitator monthly on Zoom for personalized feedback on your ikebana creations.
  2. Ikebana Aesthetics Program:  Learn 4 Ikebana Principles and 4 Ikebana Elements in one year (24 sessions). New term starts in May.
  3. 1000 Ikebana Challenge: Make an ikebana work a day for 1000 days.  


6. New Bank Account


Account Name: Tsubo Melbourne Pty Ltd

BSB: 033070 

Account number: 527917


7. Ikebana in School


Shoso and his associates started a project to promote Ikebana to Australian students.


8. Ikebana for your shop/office? 


Elevate your shop or office ambience with a touch of fresh ikebana! Shoso and his skilled team are ready to craft stunning floral arrangements tailored to your space.

————————————————————————————     9. Looking for an Ikebana class near you?————————————————————————————


10. Hanadayori: Online Exhibition, Photo Book & Perfumes


Extended Deadline - 31 March 2025

To all our students: Please take time over the holiday to submit at least one request as part of your homework. Feel free to send more than one if you’d like.

What kind of Ikebana would you like to see?

We invite you to share your unique ideas with us. Ikebana masters and practitioners from around the world will create special arrangements inspired by your requests, showcased in our upcoming online exhibition and the Hanadayori 2025 photo book.

Hanadayori, meaning “the flowers you’ve been waiting for have bloomed,” gives you a chance to see a personal Ikebana arrangement inspired by your vision. These connections through flowers bring joy and healing across distances.

We hope this project will help bring ikebana to a wider audience. Additionally, we aim to highlight that ikebana not only offers personal enjoyment but also contributes to improving the well-being of many people.

Submit your creative and bold ideas using the request form on this page by 31 January 2025. Please also share this opportunity with your friends! We can’t wait to see what inspires you!

Hanadayori is a signature online event of the Melbourne Ikebana Festival. 

Hanadayori 2023

Hanadayori 2021


11. Recent Publication


Shoso’s Publication

2024a. The Way of Ikebana (Translation), a chapter from “Hana ni ikiru hitotachi e” (1967) by Suido Yamane. International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 11, 31-34.

2024b. いけ花と環境倫理 International Journal of Ikebana Studies, 11, 26-30

2024c. Art of Meditation: Attitudes to Nature in Japanese Gardens and Ikebana, Garland Magazine 35, Launch - 24 June 2024.

2024d. Selected for Music Inspires Ikebana. Belgium: Stichting Kunstboek.


12. Shoso featured in the media 



ABC News 

ABC Gardening Australia -

The Age Newspaper -

SBS - SBS Japanese radio program.


13. Wa 2024 - Thank you


Dr Shoso Shimbo

0439 314 097

Murrumbeena Melbourne

Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival

Ikebana Gallery Award

Zoom Ikebana Dojo

Tsubo Zen Gardens